Poll: Majority of Americans Approve of Trump Handling of Protests

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KANSAS CITY, MO – A recent survey conducted by Remington Research Group found that a majority (52%) of American voters approve of how President Trump is handling the recent protests and riots across the country. Trump’s approval outpaces that of the nation’s big city mayors, as less than half (48%), approve of how big city mayors are handling the riots. The poll surveyed 1,322 likely 2020 General Election voters nationwide.

Likely voters also overwhelmingly support deploying the National Guard to help with unrest in cities across the county. 71% said they support deploying the National Guard while just 26% oppose. 72% of Independent voters support using the National Guard while 50% of Democrats support. 93% of Republican voters believe the National Guard should be utilized.

Respondents were also asked if the nation’s police officers were trustworthy or untrustworthy. 80% say trustworthy and 17% say untrustworthy. 46% of African American voters say police are untrustworthy compared to just 18% of white voters saying police are untrustworthy.

The data also show that Americans have become familiar with the group ANTIFA. Nearly 7 out of 10 voters are familiar with ANTIFIA with 54% viewing the group unfavorably and 15% viewing the group favorably. Only 38% of Democratic voters view the group unfavorably compared to 71% of Republicans and 55% of Independents.

A plurality, 31%, blame ANTIFA for violence and looting while 24% blame protesters. 13% blame the police and 24% said others were to blame.

American’s perception of the protests favors Republican candidates according to survey data. Half of American voters, 50%, trust the Republican Party to handle the protests and just 39% trust the Democratic Party on the matter.

Press Contact:

Titus Bond
President, Remington Research Group
(913) 636-1532

Survey Toplines:

Q1: Do you support or oppose the deployment of the National Guard to help with the unrest in cities caused by recent rioting and looting?

Support: 71%
Oppose: 26%
Not sure: 3%

Q2: What is your opinion of the recent protests across the country?

They are justified: 46%
They are not justified: 39%
Not sure: 15%

Q3: Which political party do you most trust to handle the recent protests and rioting?

Republican Party: 50%
Democratic Party: 39%
Not sure: 11%

Q4: How trustworthy are our nation’s police officers?

Trustworthy: 80%
Untrustworthy: 17%
Not sure: 3%

Q5: Do you approve or disapprove of how Big City mayors have been handling recent riots and protests?

Approve: 48%
Disapprove: 44%
Not sure: 8%

Q6: What is your opinion of ANTIFA?

Favorable: 15%
Unfavorable: 54%
No opinion: 31%

Q7: Who do you blame for the recent violence and looting nationwide?

Police: 13%
Protesters: 24%
Other: 24%
Not sure: 8%

Q8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Trump is handling the protests and riots across the country?

Approve: 52%
Disapprove: 44%
Not sure: 4%

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